The Joy of Fred Blog


‎Posted February 12, 2013 in Fred in the Kitchen. Tagged with .


Du Livre de Recettes de Fred

Ingrédients :
3 1/4 tasses de farine tout‑usage
1/2 c. à thé de bicarbonate de soude
1/4 de c. thé de sel
1 c. à thé de cannelle moulue
2 c. thé de gingembre moulu
1/4 de c. thé de clou de girofle moulu
1 tasse de beurre ramolli
3/4 de tasse de cassonade bien tassée
1 gros œuf
1/2 tasse de mélasse non soufrée

Préchauffer le four à 325 degrés. Bien mélanger la farine, le bicarbonate de soude, le sel et les épices à l’aide d’un fouet. Dans un autre grand bol, battre le beurre en crème avec le sucre à l’aide d’un malaxeur électrique à intensité moyenne pendant environ 3 minutes. Nettoyer le pourtour du bol avec une spatule, puis incorporer l’œuf et la mélasse. Battre le mélange à intensité moyenne jusqu’à l’obtention d’une consistance lisse. Nettoyer de nouveau le pourtour du bol et incorporer le mélange de farine. Battre à intensité faible jusqu’à consistance homogène.
Diviser la pâte en deux ou en trois, et à l’aide d’un rouleau à pâtisserie, abaisser chaque portion entre deux feuilles de papier sulfurisé jusqu’à l’obtention d’une pâte d’environ 0,5 cm (¼ po) d’épaisseur. Réfrigérer pendant 30 minutes. Sortir du réfrigérateur et retirer doucement une feuille de papier sulfurisé. Saupoudrer légèrement la pâte de farine. Remettre la feuille de papier sulfurisé sur la pâte, retourner celle‑ci et répéter.

Former et étamper les biscuits, et les faire cuire au four sur une plaque non graissée de 12 à 14 minutes ou jusqu’à ce que leur pourtour commence à brunir. Servir nature ou décorer à l’aide de glaçage royal.

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Fred Sox Outing!

‎Posted August 14, 2012 in Behind The Scenes, Stuff We Like. Tagged with .

Last week the Fred staff took part in the 4th Annual Fred Sox Company Outing to Fenway Park. We had newbies, seasoned veterans, Sox fanatics, an intern, one interloper and a hitchhiker all join together to watch the Sox beat get clobbered by the Tigers. And what else did we do? WE STARTED THE WAVE! Yep. We were those people.

Fred, who forgot that he himself had tickets to see the game (in the good seats, natch) found out about our questionable deed and let out a disappointing sigh. "Who the @#$% starts a wave when the Sox are rallying?!?"

We do, Fred. We do.

Fred staff on the bus bound for Boston.

Our motley crew "loosening up" before the game.

Jason was unhappy because he had a flask of tequila down his pants and not in his belly.

Fenway Park view from the bleachers.

Our seats were exceptional during Detroit’s numerous home-runs.

Art department representin'! Carl, Liz, Tara, Jason, and Winsor.

Fred staff

To our left: Dee, Peter and Angela.

Fred staff

Paula and Deb clearly had a ball.

Jess and friend successfully rallied the fans.

Julio and Meagan started the second Wave.

So let’s root, root, root for the wrong team…*sing song*

Ooooh, Eeeee, Ahhhhh…Detroit scores again!

Customer Service representin’! Jess, Amanda and Jill.

Interpretive song and dance to the tune of Sweet Caroline.

We're famous!

Big THANKS to Fred for the tickets, dinner, drinks AND transportation to the game. He sure knows how to throw a company outing!

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NYIGFers: We’re Moving AGAIN!

‎Posted August 06, 2012 in Trade Shows. Tagged with .

And we’re not getting too comfortable either.

If you’ve been to the Javits Center any time in the last two years, you’ve noticed gobs of new construction popping up left and right. We hear it’s all for the greater good, but in the meantime we’ll continue to do the Harlem Midtown Shuffle all over the convention center. Conventioneers, please take note:

Fred & Friends
Booth 2734
August 19–22

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Live! On Jimmy Kimmel Live!

‎Posted April 18, 2012 in Publicity, Sightings. Tagged with .

We were so tickled to see Guillermo's adorable son sucking on our Chill Baby: Lil' Shaver* pacifier. I think this is an example of "the proof is in the puddin." See how calm, cool and collected that little tyke is? Heck, I think I'm going to try one out myself — it's been a stressful week!

You might have seen this called the Mustachifier but on account of a trademark issue we did the ole switcheroo and now it's Chill Baby: Lil' Shaver. 

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