The Joy of Fred Blog

Robots Making History!

‎Posted March 02, 2011 in Our Friends. Tagged with .

Geeks will appreciate the new humanoid robot who has taken a bunk on the International Space Station.

…this is the first humanoid robot that will "live" and work inside with the astronauts. Dubbed Robonaut 2, or R2, …the module will become a permanent fixture on the space station, giving astronauts living there more storage room.

While some folks wonder if robots will eventually take over their jobs, we're certain they are taking over your humdrum cupcake molds. (Zing! How's that for a segue?) For your enjoyment, a Yumbots round-up from planet Earth. Adam from Los Angeles gets an A+ on photography, a B+ on his mad baking skillz, and a C– on that frosting. (Tip: add a skosh more powdered sugar. Unless it actually was tarter sauce, in which case, carry on.) Getting hungry. Super cool retro-effect image we found here but heck if we know whom to credit. Stomach growling… Caren from tea & chickadees doesn't mess around. Would you look at the mug on that thing?! Adorable. Be sure to check out her full Yumbots exposé. Mouth watering… This might be my favorite of the group. Kotomi over at Bake Greek pipes out some heavenly frosting. And the 'bots look like they're about to Do the Hustle right off the counter! Do doo do da doo da doo doo doooo… Thanks for tuning in! And if you're in Chicago next week, don't forget to visit us at the IHA!

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Welcome Home!

‎Posted February 24, 2011 in Behind The Scenes, Company News. Tagged with .

…to the International Home + Housewares Show, that is. We had so! much! fun! last year that we're packing up our home-related goods and heading back to Chicago. Unfortunately it's only open to the trade, so most of our fans probably won't get to mingle with the likes of Mario Batali, Rachel Ray, Paul Dean, Fred & Friends…the list goes on and on! If you are attending the show, please be sure to stop by Booth No. 3257 (Sunday through Tuesday, March 6–8) and say ¡hola! to our comedy team Deb and Joe who will be performing their newest soft-shoe tap dance / mime routine A Long Day Standing.

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It's Sheee-ow Time!

‎Posted January 24, 2011 in . Tagged with .

It's that time of year again when we bundle up our precious cargo (and we don't mean you Carl) and head down to the New York International Gift Fair to show off our latest and greatest. With over 2,800 exhibitors and 35,000 attendees, this is THE biggest gift fair in the country and to walk the entire show would take days. But, we'll make it easy for you. Just head straight to booth 1353 for one-stop shopping…er, ordering. Joe, Deb and Paula will be working it Sunday through Thursday, so be sure to say hello!

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Summer Dreamin'

‎Posted January 11, 2011 in . Tagged with .

We here on the East coast are preparing for yet another blizzard. And while we scramble to pick up our milk and bread and ready the shovels, our minds turn to...summer. Remember that? Summer? Specifically, do you remember August? When you kicked back with your iced coffee and Ladies Home Journal and watched the waves crash on the shore? Well, here's a little reminder. It's August's Ladies Home Journal featuring a nod to Cool Beans, everyone's favorite iced coffee cube maker. If you need us, we'll be in our happy summer place. Pass the shovel, please.

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