The Joy of FRED Blog

Fred's Diary - Around the world (again)

‎Posted September 17, 2007 in . Tagged with .

I just returned from another spin around the world in search of truth, justice, and cool stuff. I visited the gift shows in both Tokyo and Paris and sweated through a week of product development talks and factory visits in Hong Kong and China.


The Tokyo show is held at their aptly titled Big Sight (pictured). I’m not sure if this name was conceived as a clever double entendre or another example of the Japanese getting their English “almost right.” In any case the show is an effective antidote for all the same-same of the gift business around the world. It’s one of the few shows solely aimed at domestic consumers, and if there is anything the Japanese seem to enjoy, its consumption. This show is full of hawkers, spokesmodels, and inscrutable products like ear scrapers and plastic bonsai. And not much English is spoken. A humbling experience.

The Paris show is called Maison et Objet, and it has become an important rendez-vous for the gift business world-wide. Absolutely stunning displays, great hospitality, beautiful product, and did I mention it’s in Paris?


I want to send thanks to my French hosts Ivan Duval and Jean-Sebastien Ides of Atypyk. Their stand was full of clever “why didn’t I think of that” stuff that nobody needs but everybody wants, and they were quite busy as always. They did find time from their glamorous show experience to invite me to the amazing Le Train Bleu in the Gare de Lyon for a classic French dinner. Look for some more charming Atypyk product in Fred's January introductions.

Now I’m happy to be back home, battling jetlag, back-orders, and the New York Yankees. Fred





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