The Joy of FRED Blog

Gummi Shot Glasses

‎Posted July 14, 2009 in . Tagged with .

gummiCS Found another interesting Fredaptation project. Not sure if this is a good idea or not, but somebody spent a lot of time thinking this up, so I'm going to share it. Instructables is a blog dedicated to DIY projects, reinvents, and crafts that you could probably loose a finger or two trying for yourself. Someone had the bright idea to take our Cool Shooters tray, melt a ton of gummi bears down and mold candy shot glasses. Not sure if this was conceived before or after alcohol was introduced on the scene, but I am confident gummi bears were not the only things they tried putting in the microwave that night. If you dare try it for yourself, you can get all the details HERE. And hey, if you come up with anything new, let us know about it.


sheparticular, on 07/19/09

Thanks for posting this! Actually, no, I wasn’t drunk at the time. Also, thanks for all your other awesome products - I’m a little bit of a Fred groupie!

Leogilmour, on 07/26/09

how bout making it with jelly?(jello?) or adding little water so that its firmer?

shesparticular, on 07/27/09

I haven’t tried that, but I know that you can make gummies using gelatin mix. If you check out the sidebar should have other projects that might be helpful.

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