The Joy of FRED Blog

Behind the Scenes

‎Posted August 18, 2011 in Behind The Scenes, Trade Shows. Tagged with .

Oh, sure, you say. That is one beautiful booth you have there. Well, it doesn't start out that way, kids. It actually takes us three days to get the booth ship-shape and ready for our customers. It all begins with a pleasant jaunt into the city, which for us takes about three hours. Or four. Or more, depending on traffic. There was a lot of traffic. The Javits Center, an architectural marvel to behold. There are shelves to assemble. Signage to stick. Products to place. Winsor and Paula debate the finer points of product placement. Oh, the labels. Every product has a label that needs to go near it. You want me to stick the labels where? Once all the product is up, the signs are up, and all the blessed labels are stuck, Deb gives the booth that "showroom fresh" vacuuming that only she can do. And she does it with a smile, even! See how pretty things end up? We get everything "just right"... ...then we hermetically seal it for your protection, until the next magical morning. You wouldn't want to mess with Liz. Nosiree, Bob! The next morning, we remove the barriers and invite our reps to peruse the booth and become acquainted with the layout and the new stuff. There's our rep Whitney and Deb again. Doesn't she clean up nice? And before you know it, the show opens and the booth is flooded with fine folks checking out the line. Hopping, just the way we like it! We hope to see you at one of our shows, where you will get a heapin' helpin' of our hospitality!


fair ivy, on 08/18/11

Very cool, thanks for the inside peak!

MiniCinnamon499, on 06/01/12

This looks so cool! i have this pen and it says

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