The Joy of FRED Blog

We grew up! Way up!

‎Posted August 15, 2011 in . Tagged with .

We moved our booth on over to slot #1830 at the New York Int'l Gift Fair and suddenly found ourselves smack dab at the head of the aisle. Great visibility + new footprint + expanding product line meant nixing the foamcore walls and Ikea shelves and developing a better booth. And boy are we happy we did. We're getting lots of fantastic feedback from buyers, browsers and our fellow exhibitors, such as: "You grew up!" "Holy $#!+ that's a nice booth." "It's…so…BIG!" "I'll take one of everything!" "I miss you in the Judaica aisle." If you're an attendee be sure to pay our sales team a visit. If you're an attendee paying our sales team a visit at the end of the day, bring a few cold ones with you. We're there until noon on Thursday. Cheers!

p.s. Here are some snaps Jason took before the doors officially opened. Click to embiggen.Fred & Friends NYIGF boothFred & Friends NYIGF boothFred & Friends NYIGF booth


ignaciopilotto, on 08/15/11

Good work !!! :)

chris, on 08/15/11

F@#K Yeah! This looks awesome. Wish I could make it this year.

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